HVACR practice exams can be used for self-assessment, professional-growth, and certification exam preparation. Our HVACR practice exam consists of questions developed by HVAC Excellence, the largest provider of certifications (more than 200,000) in the HVACR industry.
Our 300 question HVAC practice test provides:A 100 question EPA 608 practice test comes with our materials.
To get an idea of the types of questions on the full version HVACR Practice Test, try our free sample below:
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part of the Esco Group, is a standards organization and leading authority on certification in the HVACR industry.
The questions are based on industry standards and offer a comprehensive coverage of the fundamental subject matter found on most HVACR certification exams.
The HVACR Practice Test Kit provides:Summary of Typical HVACR Certification Exams:
What: HVACR exams are part of the certification process for HVACR technicians which identifies the scope and level of a technician's competency in core and specialty areas.
Who: HVACR professionals who wish to become certified in various HVACR specialties
Where: HVACR certification exams are typically administered at various testing centers, schools and other locations throughout the United States.
Why: Certification programs improve technical competency and safety allowing technicians to demonstrate competency and earn more money.
Cost: Depending on the subject and organization, it typically costs between $25 - $150 per actual certification exam.