Employer responsibilities under the FMLA

Employers covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) must follow federal policies.

Required benefits under the FMLA

If you approve an employee for FMLA leave, you must:

Protect your employee's job while on FMLA leave Maintain their access to group health benefits Not retaliate or discriminate against an employee for taking FMLA leave

Required notification under the FMLA


If your establishment is covered, you must post an FMLA poster that all employees and applicants can see. Download the Department of Labor’s FMLA poster to print or post electronically.

Notice in employee handbooks

If any employees are eligible for the FMLA, you must include an overview of the FMLA in an employee handbook or as a handout. This document must include the same information as the poster. The notice can be distributed electronically.

Eligibility notice

The first time an employee requests leave under the FMLA, you must give them a notice of eligibility, either orally or in writing. The notice must: