Minnesota State is a public entity and enters into a high volume of contracts each year. Many of these contracts can be accommodated on the approved Minnesota State standard contract templates.
This page contains most of the standard templates which relate to contract matters. These forms have been approved by the Office of General Counsel and comply with Minnesota State policies and procedures. Any contract that is not on a Minnesota State standard contract form must be reviewed and approved by system legal counsel.
If you are looking for a document that is not listed, you may want to look at the forms library or you may contact us at: Sourcing@MinnState.edu.
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Minnesota State has templates for clinical affiliation agreements for nursing and other allied health programs. The templates below should be used as a starting point for all clinical affiliation agreements. The "nursing" template can be modified by the campus to include other allied health programs (i.e. dietician, dental, occupational/physical therapy, etc.) as needed. There should be only one clinical affiliation agreement for the college/university with a facility. Before establishing a new agreement with a facility, or amending an agreement, please check internally at your campus to determine which allied health programs should be included in the agreement.
Any changes or modifications to the template need to be reviewed by system legal counsel at the Office of General Counsel or the Attorney General's Office.
Additionally, Minnesota State legal counsel has negotiated a number of memorandum of agreement (MOA) templates for specific health care organizations. Samples of these negotiated MOA templates can be found on the Office of General Counsel's clinical agreements webpage.
Please remember that the MOA's found on the Office of General Counsel's website are to be used for reference and comparison purposes only. Guidance on use of pre-negotiated templates can be found on the Office of General Counsel's webpage.